Amelia's Amazing Nut-less Pesto
During the past few months since the COVID 19 pandemic began most of us have been tasked with cooking three meals a day plus your occasional snack. The days of spontaneously dining out have brought our cities,towns, boroughs,states, countries,nations, and world to a complete halt.
I live in New York City, the best place in the world where you can get every different type of cuisine at your fingertips. Since this pandemic started, I have been cooking up a storm at home. Every Saturday I do my weekly vigil at Trader Joe’s. I believe the key to staying healthy keeping COVID 19 away is eating well. Less boxed process foods and more home cooked meals with fresh proteins, fruits, and vegetables.
Today I am sharing a staple in my kitchen “Nut-less Pesto.” Nut-less pesto can be used on pasta, soups, salad dressings and marinades for chicken and pork.
1 Bunch of Basil (organic preferred)
4 generous handfuls of Arugula or Kale or Spinach(organic preferred)
1 Bunch of Basil (organic preferred)
4 generous handfuls of Arugula or Kale or Spinach(organic preferred)
1 small bulb of garlic peeled and ends cut.
3/4 cup of Canola Oil
3/4 cup of Olive Oil
Salt and Pepper to taste
Electric single blade Hand Chopper/Food processor
Combine garlic, basil, and ¾ of canola oil. Add the arugula /kale/or Spinach until coarsely blended. Add ½ a cup olive oil. Blend mixture until fine coarse chopped. Make sure the oil is slightly higher than the pesto mixture. Put in a glass jar or plastic container and store in the refrigerator or freezer for up to 6 months.
Helpful hint:
Peeling fresh garlic can be tedious. The easiest way to complete this task is to break apart the garlic bulb and submerge the garlic in cold water for at least an hour...the papery skin will peel right off...try it!!!
Fun Fact:
Garlic is low in calories and rich in vitamin C, vitamin B6 and manganese. It also contains trace amounts of various other nutrients.
I pine for the days when I can sit and in my local coffee shop with my organic latte and computer at hand…..”heaven.”
Wow! I'm going to try this!