Amelia's Delicious Tomato and Red Onion Basil Salad
I can hardly believe that July 4th has come and gone. Finally, after many months of self-quarantine due to COVID19, I was able to visit friends. With the compliance of social distancing at a good friend's home, I was able to spend July 4th as the grill master for the day. We spent the whole time outside in the backyard. It was fun. Along with barbecuing hamburgers, hot dogs, we had chicken and deliciously seasoned steaks. My contribution to the meal was Tomato Red Onion and Fresh Parsley and Basil. This festive salad was a staples in my home during the years I raising my children. It gave me great pleasure to share this wonderful recipe, fresh clean ingredients along with great taste. I bet you have always wondered…. Where did tomatoes originally come from? The tomato ( Solanum lycopersicum ) is a fruit from the nightshade family. Usually red when mature, tomatoes can also come in a variety of colors, includin...